What Else Does Integra Do?
We are about Supporting and Advocating

We like to think of ourselves as a big family and we invite you to get to know our dedicated assistants, leadership team, families, and community partners. They all play a vital role in ensuring that we work with our local professionals, community resources, and those who know the person best in order to provide the best services and support for each person. We are committed to strive for continuous quality improvement and an upward movement in the quality of life for every person we serve.

The Essence of Life Philosophy
A Journey to Social and Cultural Change
We work together to help ensure the integrity of our services and the satisfaction and progress of those we serve. We use person-centred principles in all our work, as well as in our relationships with co-workers and community partners. We live by our mission and vision, The Essence of Life, adhere to our Code of Ethics, exceed requirements of our Accreditation with CARF and implement our own strategic and performance plans.
A Journey to Social and Cultural Change
We work together to help ensure the integrity of our services and the satisfaction and progress of those we serve. We use person-centred principles in all our work, as well as in our relationships with co-workers and community partners. We live by our mission and vision, The Essence of Life, adhere to our Code of Ethics, exceed requirements of our Accreditation with CARF and implement our own strategic and performance plans.
Who We Work With
Our Standards
Quality Assurance
In 2016, we maintained our three-year accreditation in our current programs and also received accreditation in our CYS services (Community Housing & Shelters), extending to 2019. In 2019, we received our 5th three-year accreditation including our first time in our youth Respite Services. At Integra, we are committed to continuous quality improvement.
Our Standards
- Internal Audits monitor program compliance with internal standards, external requirements, regulations and contract obligations.
- Risk Management and Incident Reporting identifies, evaluates and reduces the risks to which the individuals in our care could be exposed.
- Licensing and Accreditation Reviews support implementation of best practices, action plans for improvement, and compliance with standards.
- Quality of Care Reviews assesses services provided and individual outcomes.
- Orientation and External Training provides resources, clinical experts, technical assistance and support for a person who may require nursing support.
- Systems Analysis, Design and Improvement assesses need, evaluates effectiveness, identifies areas for improvement, and provides technical assistance and resources.
Our Community Involvement
Currently, we volunteer with Shaw Cable, Saanich Recreation, Greater Victoria School District and the BC SPCA; Advisory Councils for Family Members, Home Share Providers and Self Advocates.
We are a proud, contributing member of the following groups:
- BC CEO Network
- Community Social Services Employers Association of BC
- Leadership Victoria
- Community Living Resource Fair
- Community Partnership Network of the Intercultural Association
- South Island Education Committee – in recess
- Regional and Provincial Shared Living Working Groups
- One Day Together Festival Committee
- October Community Living Month