Our Services
We focus on abilities, accessing the community and social activities that develop interests and friendships.

Home Share
Home Sharing
Becoming a Home Share Provider is a lifestyle choice that can be exciting, challenging and extremely rewarding. It is a journey to meet and accept an adult with a disability into your home as an extended family member. This process is best explained by contacting one of Integra’s Home Share Coordinators at info@integrasupport.ca and requesting a call or meeting.

Good Neighbours
Good Neighbours Program
Integra offers 2 locations that provide a person centred approach to Community Inclusion Services. This means that we support people to experience being part of their community and attend activities that they prefer, enjoy and develop or enhance their lifestyles or interests. We continue to explore new opportunities and invite you to contact one of the programs for more information or a tour. info@integrasupport.ca and requesting a call or meeting.
Your Life, Your Way
Host Agency
Host Agency is a service that is individualised. We assist a person and their family or create their support arrangements and choose their own caregivers. This arrangement can be very specific to one or a number of goals that may be time limited or ongoing. Have questions? Contact us at info@integrasupport.ca and request a call or meeting.
Fostering Self Confidence
Child & Youth Services
We also provide respite and relief services for families and caregivers, referred to us by MCFD in our children’s homes. Children and youth often have accommodation for short stays. Their needs, requirements and preferences are identified through conversations with MCFD staff.
Have questions? Contact MCFD at 1.877.387.7027
A Place to Call Home
Staffed Living
Integra offers a variety of staffed homes in many neighbourhoods. We promote opportunities for individuals to experience their community, neighbourhood and all services enjoyed by all citizens. Individuals and families who come to Integra may have different and often unique needs. Our services focus on those needs, through plans and agreements, building trusting relationships with the resident, their family and others. always ensuring that the individual remains at the centre of our collective efforts. This is important for you and for Integra. To learn more, contact us at info@integrasupport.ca
Home Share
Home Sharing
Becoming a Home Share Provider is a lifestyle choice that can be exciting, challenging and extremely rewarding. It is a journey to meet and accept an adult with a disability into your home as an extended family member. This process is best explained by contacting one of Integra’s Home Share Coordinators at info@integrasupport.ca and requesting a call or meeting.

Good Neighbours
Good Neighbours Program
Integra offers 2 locations that provide a person centred approach to Community Inclusion Services. This means that we support people to experience being part of their community and attend activities that they prefer, enjoy and develop or enhance their lifestyles or interests. We continue to explore new opportunities and invite you to contact one of the programs for more information or a tour. info@integrasupport.ca and requesting a call or meeting.
Your Life, Your Way
Host Agency
Host Agency is a service that is individualised. We assist a person and their family or create their support arrangements and choose their own caregivers. This arrangement can be very specific to one or a number of goals that may be time limited or ongoing. Have questions? Contact us at info@integrasupport.ca and request a call or meeting.
Fostering Self Confidence
Child & Youth Services
We also provide respite and relief services for families and caregivers, referred to us by MCFD in our children’s homes. Children and youth often have accommodation for short stays. Their needs, requirements and preferences are identified through conversations with MCFD staff.
Have questions? Contact MCFD at 1.877.387.7027
A Place to Call Home
Staffed Living
Integra offers a variety of staffed homes in many neighbourhoods. We promote opportunities for individuals to experience their community, neighbourhood and all services enjoyed by all citizens. Individuals and families who come to Integra may have different and often unique needs. Our services focus on those needs, through plans and agreements, building trusting relationships with the resident, their family and others. always ensuring that the individual remains at the centre of our collective efforts. This is important for you and for Integra. To learn more, contact us at info@integrasupport.ca